WinField United Canada and XiteBio Technologies in distribution relationship

WinField United Canada has entered into a direct purchasing agreement with XiteBio Technologies. Effective from today (17th September 2018), XiteBio will work directly with WinField United and its owners on forecasting, planning, ordering and reconciling of all their western Canadian inoculant and PGPR brands.

XiteBio brings strength in their unique liquid inoculant portfolio and PGPRs. Their portfolio includes easy to use liquid formulated inoculants including PulseRhizo and SoyRhizo which are beneficial to western Canadian farmers. WinField United is also eager to build their XiteBio Yield+ line up of PGPRs for all major western Canadian crops.

“We look forward to this new working relationship with XiteBio. Their focus on agronomy parallels that of WinField United Canada and we are excited to offer high quality products to our owners and their farm customers,” says Greg McDonald, General Manager of Winfield United Canada.

Dr. Manas Banerjee, President & CEO of XiteBio, commented, “It is very exciting to be partnering XiteBio’s unique products & technologies with Winfield United Canada’s agronomic capacity and distribution network to serve more farmers in the region.”