Tradecorp upgrades and expands facilities for synthesis of EDDHA in Spain

The renovations of the Ávila facilities (Spain) will allow Tradecorp to increase its EDDHA synthesis by more than 30%, with the environmental objective to reduce energy consumption. The project, which began in mid-July, has already finished and the new facilities are fully functional.

EDDHA (ethylenediamine-N,N’-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) is a chelating agent that is used to mobilize metal ions, for example for the phytoextraction of lead from contaminated soils. Tradecorp chelates have been formulated to guarantee the correct absorption and assimilation of oligo-elements by crops, by protecting the metals to avoid possible precipitation or insoluble products from forming, which could decrease their efficacy.

This investment coincides with the extensive investment program for the improvement of Tradecorp facilities in Albacete and Ávila (Spain). These renovations started in 2013 in response to an ever growing and more challenging demand for their products.

Factories with more efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies
The modernization and expansion of the facilities for the synthesis of EDDHA are accompanied by other investments in the Sanchidrián (Ávila) factory, including:

  • Updating the packaging process and implementing new equipment to optimize labelling and boxing
  • Strengthening health and safety measures
  • Optimizing processes and equipment for better environmental protection

Tradecorp chelates: a top quality and maximum efficiency range
The products in Tradecorp range are presented as micro-granules (WG), ensuring total and instant solubility, without forming lumps or sediments and guaranteeing a 100% chelation grade. Tradecorp has a strict quality control procedure for each batch produced in order to guarantee the metal content in each product. Tradecorp chelates are mainly sold under the commercial trademarks: Ultraferro (Fe-EDDHA), Tradecorp range (EDTA chelates) and Tradecorp AZ range (chemical mix of chelated micronutrients).