Adjuvants can greatly enhance the performance of foliar-applied crop production products. These agrochemical additives are continuously tailored to the latest requirements and trends.
With a one-day innovation meeting SURfaPLUS stimulates the exchange of ideas and views about these requirements and trends.The upcoming European Agrochemical Adjuvants Innovation Meeting 2018 (EAA-Innovations 2018) covers a broad range of adjuvants and formulations related items. EAA-Innovations is the follow-up to the two successful SURfaPLUS Adjuvants symposia in Amsterdam (2011 and 2015). EAA-Innovations 2018 will be held on March 7th, 2018 in LantarenVenster, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Future trends
Experienced scientists from the top 5 agchem companies, the University of Amsterdam and Ghent University will share their insights. AkzoNobel will provide an update on formulations for foliar fertilisers and SURfaPLUS highlights the make-up of spray drop deposits. Keynote presenters are Daniel Wright (Monsanto) and Ronald Vermeer (Bayer). Daniel Wright explains how adjuvants/formulations can contribute to improved targeting and lower emission of herbicides. Ronald Vermeer outlines future trends with adjuvants and formulations. Adjuvant expert Hans de Ruiter (SURfaPLUS) will discuss the relevance of drop deposit make-up for the performance of foliar-applied crop production products. With this presentation, symposium organizer De Ruiter wants to stimulate research into a crucial, but still very little explored phenomenon. In addition companies and academia will show their products and research results at the Adjuvant Mini Market.
Knowledge sharing
Sharing of adjuvancy and formulation knowledge is a core business of the symposium organizing company SURfaPLUS. The company is based in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and was founded by Hans de Ruiter, a scientific researcher with ample expertise in adjuvants for agrochemistry and first president of the International Society for Agrochemical Adjuvants (ISAA). He is also editor in chief of Adjuvants & Formulations, a digital magazine for agchem specialists with technical information and hyperlinks to new literature. Furthermore, the SURfaPLUS website provides much information on adjuvants, research and related topics.