Marrone Bio launches Amplitude biofungicide in USA
15th June 2018
Marrone Bio Innovations has launched the biological fungicide Amplitude for the 2018 growing season. This product uses the same active ingredient in the recently announced EPA-approved Stargus.
Amplitude is based on a new strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens discovered by Marrone Bio, with strong performance against white moulds and soil diseases such as Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia (pink rot and black scurf of potatoes), and Fusarium, as shown in field trials in the US, Canada and Europe.
Growers have few choices of active ingredients that perform well on the group of fungi that cause white moulds in row crops like soybeans, canola, pulses, dry beans, bulb vegetables and sunflower. Amplitude is the result of Marrone Bio’s directed screening discovery program to find a solution that addresses such a specific market need. This product is also complementary and additive to the broad spectrum of diseases covered by Marrone Bio’s first biofungicide, Regalia Rx, providing a solid one-two punch to controlling white molds and soil diseases in row crops. Marrone Bio is also testing this Bacillus-based product for seed treatment applications with key strategic partners.
“We are pleased to provide row crop growers with another tool to control white moulds and soil diseases on a broad range of large acre crops and tuber and root crops, which have developed a resistance to conventional products. The high level of performance of Amplitude means it can be used alone, or in conjunction with a conventional fungicide to enhance control, build a solid resistance management program and get better ROI overall,” said Andre Trepanier, Marrone Bio’s Director of Marketing.