BASF – STK distribution agreement spurs Brazilian training on biopesticides
1st May 2018
STK bio-ag technologies, the world leader in botanical-based and ‘hybrid’ solutions for sustainable agriculture, recently hosted a technical orientation for a VIP delegation of 15 of the top Brazilian banana growers, technical consultants and banana association managers representing approximately 100,000 hectares of banana crops Brazil. The purpose of the visit was to teach the Brazilian delegation about the positive effects of botanicals on banana growth, and the protection of banana crops from diseases, such as Black Sigatoka.
The technical orientation occurred soon after an agreement was reached regarding the co-distribution of TIMOREX GOLD by STK and BASF for various fruits and vegetables throughout Brazil.

The Brazilian group’s program began at R&D labs at STK Headquarters in Petach Tikvah, Israel, outside of Tel Aviv. This was followed by a 5 day technical tour throughout Israel, including visits to banana farms which are using botanical-based biopesticides with great success, and professional lectures from STK and other top Israeli agronomists.

The orientation included and extensive tour of the STK R&D labs, during which the delegation was exposed to the company’s scientific and technological approach to researching and developing botanical-based solutions, as well as the exacting quality control practices employed in producing consistently effective commercial-grade formulations.
The delegation learned about the benefits of Timorex Gold for banana growers, including short PHI, zero residue, the enlarging and promotion of the leaf surface, and a unique ode of action which seeks and ruptures disease cells, thereby protecting the plant. Timorex Gold is certified worldwide by leading organic associations, including IBD Brazil, ECOCERT, BCS and others.