FMC poised to launch new fungicides and insecticide
13th September 2018
New fungicides and insecticides from FMC Agricultural Solutions are expected to hit the market in 2019. Lucento, a fungicide, and Ethos 3D, an insecticide and fungicide combination, will give farmers more products to choose from for corn and soybean protection.
“We’re expecting Lucento registration in late September,” said Nick Hustedde, technical service representative for FMC. “We will be selling it for the 2019 growing season. It is a new fungicide concept that encompasses an SDHI molecule called Bixafen. It’s one that FMC developed for a number of years. We’re looking at that in a premix with flutriafol. It offers resistance management and is very effective on frogeye leaf spot.”
Ethos 3D is the next product in the company’s 3rive platform.
“You’re getting an insecticide component that’s going to be active on your primary soil insects, such as corn rootworms, as well as some secondary insects,” Hustedde said. “The biological fungicide component is going to be active on some of those key diseases: Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium in corn and Phytophthora in soybeans.”
Over the next few years, more products are expected to be introduced from FMC.
“Since DuPont and Dow merged to form Corteva, there were some antitrust things that had to be implemented prior to the merger,” Hustedde said. “DuPont divested a portion of their research and development, and we picked that up. FMC is very active in discovering new molecules for fungicides, insecticide and herbicides, and we’re going to be on the forefront of bringing those new tools to growers.”
With 1.8 million synthetic compounds being screened, growers can expect new products to be discovered and perfected over the next few years, he said.