Food & Flavour
Biorigin achieves non-GMO verification for 38 natural ingredients

Biorigin has reinforced its commitment to transparency, the company’s line of yeast extracts, Bionis, has achieved Non-GMO Project Verified status for 38 if its natural ingredients portfolio. The company says it is driven by the most important demands and market trends in order to work on the art of creating natural, non-GMO, clean label and sustainable solutions that promote health and well-being.

“Consumers seek healthy, natural alternatives that bring appeals for sustainability. In addition, they require transparency from the food industry and check product labels for their composition,” said Claudia Crepaldi, Biorigin Food Business Manager.

The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers and providing verified non-GMO choices. “By delivering innovative ingredients from natural and safe sources we reinforce our ethnical and transparency commitments to improve food taste and consumers’ health,” commented Laura Simon, Food Product Manager at Biorigin.