Announcing new DCAT leadership!
The Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies (DCAT) Association is pleased to announce the new Board of Director Members, recently approved by the organization’s member companies. The new Board Members will assume their roles on the first day of DCAT’s fiscal year, November 1st, 2018, and serve through October 31st, 2019.

Elected as President for this upcoming year is Paolo Magri, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Advitech SA. Joining Mr. Magri as officers are: Stephan Kutzer (Alcami), Sean Diver (Lonza) and Kerri McCullough Wood (Teva API). Together, with the remaining seven members of the Board of Directors, they will continue to work towards providing value-added programs and services for member companies and guide the organization’s strategic plan to ensure its continued growth and success.